
BMGビクター BVCA-127(12/04/91)

*バリーがこれこそ全くセールスを無視し自らのブロードウェーミュージカルへの情熱、尊敬を具現化したアルバムです。皆が知っているような名曲から、バリーが東奔西走し集めた隠れた名曲まで収められており、聴き応えのある名盤です。歌唱力から言っても、この当時がバリーの全盛期かもしれません。"Bring Him Home"や本家ライザ・ミネリを凌駕するような歌唱の"But The World Goes 'Round"は素晴らしい。このアルバムを受けての"Showstoppers Tour"は過去最高のツアーとも言われています。(senchan)




1.ブロードウェイによろしく/Give My Regards To Broadway
 (Geroge M. Cohan) (from Little Johnny Jones)
 すべては楽しくなる〜ベスト・オブ・オール・ポッシブル・ワールズ〜パレードに雨を降らせないで〜カンパニー〜スウィーニー〜エビータ〜ジーザス・クライスト・スーパースター〜ザ・モースト・ハッピー・フェラ〜ジムでのダンス〜ご婦人が一番〜ナイトワルツ〜マズルカ〜カルーセル・ワルツ〜サムホエア〜ワン〜メイム〜ハロー・ドーリー!〜ローズのターン〜ビッグ・スペンダー/Overture Of Overtures
3.オール・アイ・ニード・イズ・ザ・ガール/All I Need Is The Girl
  (Jule Style-Stephen Sondheim) (from Gypsy)
4.リアル・ライヴ・ガール/Real Live Girl
  (Cy Coleman-Carolyn Leigh) (from Little Me)
5.いつかどこかで/Where Or When
  (Richard Rodgers-Lorenz Hart) (from Babes In Arms)
6.ルック・トゥ・ザ・レインボー/Look To The Rainbow(W/Barbra Cook)
  (Burton Lane-E.Y. Harburg) (from Finian's Rainbow)
7.ワンス・イン・ラヴ・ウィズ・エイミー/Once In Love With Amy
  (Frank Loesser) (from Where's Charley?)
8.ダンシング・イン・ザ・ダーク/Dancing In The Dark
  (Arthur Schwartz-Howard Dietz) (from The Band Wagon)
9.ユー・キャン・ハヴ・ザ・TV/You Can Have The TV
  (Craig Carmelia) (from Notes)
10.アイル・ビー・シーイング・ユー/I'll Be Seeing You
  (Sammy Fain-Irving Kahal) (from Right This Way)
11.バッド・ザ・ワールド・ゴーズ・ラウンド/But The World Goes 'Round
  (John Kander-Fred Ebb) (from New York, New York)
12.賭博師のためのフーガ/Fugure For Tinhorns(Trio with Michael Crawford and Hinton Battle)
  (Frank Loesser) (from Guys And Dolls)
13.幸運の女神よ/Luck Be A Lady
  (Frank Loesser) (from Guys And Dolls)
14.オールド・フレンズ/Old Friends
  (Stephen Sondheim) (from Merrily We Roll Along)
15.ザ・キッド・インサイド/The Kid Inside
  (Craig Carmelia) (from Is There Lifer After High School?)
16.ネヴァー・メット・ア・マン・アイ・ディドント・ライク/Never Met A Man I Didn't Like
  (Cy Coleman-Betty Comden-Adolph Green) (from Will ROgers Follies)
17.ブリング・ヒム・ホーム/Bring Him Home
  (Claude-Michael Schonberg-Alain Boubill-Herbert Kretzmer) (from Les Miserables)
18.イフ・ウィ・オンリー・ハヴ・ラヴ/If We Only Have Love
  (Jaques Brel: English lyrics by Mort Shuman and Eric Blau) (from Jacques Brel Is Alive And Well And Living In Paris)

Words By Barry

When I was young and growing up in Brooklyn, New York, it was always an event when my family and I would travel across the Williamsburgh Bridge into Manhattan to see a Broadway Musical.  As a child, that magical world had a profound effect on me emotionally, but until I was given the opportunity to make this album, I didn't realize the enormous influence it had on me as a musician, composer and performer.

In putting this album together, I rediscovered my passion for the Broadway Musical.  What I found in my research awed, inspired and humbled me.  The talent, the craft, the history and the wealth of music that exists in this world is stunning and I can't wait to share some of what I found with you.

I began my research for this album in November of 1990.  I thought that it was going to be quick and easy because I thought I knew my Broadway musicals.  Forget it!

I began by listening to all my old Broadway Original Cast albums.  It was fun and entertaining listening to those great songs again, but I was curious as to how much more there might be out there.  I began calling friends asking to borrow their favorite Broadway albums.  Then I went further.  I would steer conversations towards musicals and ask everyone for their favorite show tunes.  I bugged business associates and friends to put together lists or cassettes of their favorites.  Everyone, it seemed, loved this musical area.  Soon it had turned into a treasure hunt for me and from there it became a mission!


I began calling composers of Broadway musicals.  Jule Styne rattled off standard after standard that he'd written from one historic musical to another.  Cy Coleman told me of the new show he'd written with Betty Comden and Adolph Green called "The Will Rogers Follies" and that he thought there was a song in it I might like.  Fred Ebb sent me a cassette of he and John Kander singing twenty fantastic original songs.  Craig Carnelia sent me lead sheets and demos of great songs from revues he'd written.  They were all great songs and I decided I wanted to record all of them!

I tracked down reference books the size of telephone directories and went through hundreds upon hundreds of song titles.  All of them sounded interesting!

Stores that specialized in rare records such as "Footlights" in New York, and "The Record Collector" in Los Angeles became invaluable.  The people at Hollywood Sheet Music became good friends!  Frank Military at the Warner/Chappell music publishing company sent me cartons and cartons of song books filled with hundreds upon hundreds of songs.  I went through each and every one of them and I decided I wanted to record them all!

My music studio was so crammed with music books, cassettes, CDs and albums you couldn't walk into it without having to step over things.

After four months, I put together a list of the songs I wanted to include on this album.  The list ran 50 pages long and included over 500 songs!

It was amazing.  I had no idea of the vast amounts of riches that came from the world of the Broadway musical.

I found many famous and beloved songs had come from shows that had lasted only two nights!  Conversely, there were hit shows with great songs in them that no one had ever heard of!  Funny songs that had me roaring; deeply moving songs; lyrics that left me breathless, melodies from the angels!  My respect for Leonard Bernstein, Cy Coleman, Stephen Sondheim, Jule Styne and Kander and Ebb soared.  It was a musical feast for me and when I was done with my research I found myself more passionate than ever about this area of music.

Cast Albums from Broadway shows are unique.  Since each song comes out of a specific situation, the musical arrangement and performance is bigger and more alive than a typical 32 bar pop song.

I decided that I wanted this album to sound like an Original Cast Album from a Broadway show that never existed - only in my mind.  I wanted somehow to convey my passion and my respect for the writers and creators in this world.

In the "Overture Of Overtures" I attempt to pay tribute to this exciting element - the Broadway Overture.  It features great moments from great Broadway overtures (There were so many choices that this piece alone could have filled up the entire album!).

I wanted each song to sound as if it were lifted off the stage of a Broadway show.  With the help of Ken and Mitzie Welch, and Eddie Arkin, I restructured many of the songs so that they would sound original and contemporary, but would still retain their Broadway integrity.  I wanted the listener to be able to imagine situations happening as the songs played.

Ken and Mitzie were invaluable.  Many of the songs on this album would not have been rendered as uniquely if not for their input.  Working with arranger Billy Byers was an honor.  Artie Butler, Randy Kerber and all of the dozens of first-rate musicians made this experience a joy.  My thanks to our superb engineer Don Murray.  Collaborating with Eddie Arkin on this project made this experience richer for me than I can describe.

The music on this album is merely the tip of the iceberg.  If you enjoy it, I encourage you to investigate the world of the American Musical Theater and discover what I did.  I also encourage you to support live theater in your own community whenever you can.  It is a world where excellence abounds.  With support and nurturing it will continue to give us pleasure for years to come.


Barry (1991)